Our mission: To harness the power of young people across Iowa to fight for sensible gun violence prevention policies that save lives while encouraging youth involvement in politics.
Our story: We cannot allow one more person to be killed by senseless gun violence. We cannot allow one more person to experience the pain of losing a loved one. We cannot allow one more family to wait for a call or text that never comes. We cannot allow the normalization of gun violence to continue. We must create a safe and compassionate nation for our youth to grow up in.
March For Our Lives was originally led by the students of Parkland but has since curated student allies of all ethnicities, religions and sexualities across the country, including Iowa. March For Our Lives Iowa was officially created on July 26th, 2018, after several local youth activists saw increasing violence in the community. They did not want to sit and wait for someone else to take action so they quickly joined forces and created the student-led organization as it stands today.
The mission and focus of March For Our Lives Iowa is centered around encouraging and implementing opportunities that reduce gun violence while encouraging youth civic engagement. We demand morally-just leaders to rise up from both parties in order to ensure public safety and youth voice.
We spurred a historic youth turnout in the 2018 midterm elections, with a 47% increase over the last midterm election and the highest percentage of youth voter turnout ever. Voters made it clear that the status quo was no longer acceptable —a record 46 NRA-backed candidates lost their elections that November.
This movement is more than a single election. We’re building out our local and state grassroots power. We’re lobbying Congress to close loopholes and pass common-sense legislation to save lives. We will not stop until we see the change we demand. We’re going to end the gun violence epidemic in America.

"We are not advocating to take away guns. We are advocating to make our communities safer and reduce the violence that has caused pain for so many. Until we see this change, MFOL Iowa continue to activate, engage, and mobilize the youth of our state and nation"
— Kevin Drahos, MFOL Iowa Co-Founder